Shyam Agrawal, Nepal
Postal stationery of Nepal
75 LS
Mario Almeida Coutinho, Portugal
Ceres Postal Stationery of
84 V
Muhamma Balgamwala, Pakistan
Postal Stationery of British India
88 LV+Fel
Hasse von Brockenhuus, Sweden
Jaipur state postal stationery
76 LS
M Yavuz Corapcioglu, United States
Postal Stationery of the Ottoman
94 G
Lennart Daun, Sweden
Sweden Postal Stationery 1872 -
95 LG
Michael D Dixon, United States
Great Britain : Development of Air
84 V
Nelson Eustis, Australia
South Australian Postal
92 G
Jan Fristad, Sweden
Argentina~ Postal Stationery
87 LV
Zhenxin Gong, China
Stamped Envelopes of People's
88 LV+SP
Khetcho Hagopian, Egypt
Egypt: Postal Stationery
88 LV
Zenta Iwasaki, Japan
Chinese Postal Cards 1897-1931
80 V
Kurt E Kimmel, Switzerland
Postal Stationery of Ceylon
95 LG
Wen-Liang Lee, Chinese
Postcards of late Chin Dynasty,
84 V
Charalamb Menelaou, Cyprus
Cyprus Postal Stationery 1880 -
85 LV
Rodolf Mensendiek, Germany
Postal Stationery of Heligoland
83 V
Goeran Nykvist, Finland
Finland, Postal Stationery
95 LG+SP
Barra O'Keeffe, Ireland
Ireland: Postal stationery
82 V
Masaaki Oshima, Japan
Postal Cards of Japan
92 G
Jose Rodriguez, Spain
Postal Entires of Spain~
84 V
Arnold Ryss, Russia
Charitable letters with
92 G+SP
Stephen D Schumann, United States
New Zealand Postal Stationery,
89 LV
John A Sinfield, Australia
Australia: Envelopes 1913-1953
93 G+SP
Michael Smith, Great Britain
Orange Free State Postal
88 LV+Fel
David Ingle Smith, Australia
Postal Stationery of Jamaica
88 L
Tamas Somogyi, Hungary
Postal Stationery of Hungary
73 S
Iain Stevenson, Great Britain
British Stamped Telegraph
82 V
Robert Francon Memorial Prize.
It is a pleasure to record that the first recipient of the Prix Robert Francon, created and donated by Madame Caroline Francon in memory of her husband, was Michael Smith for his exhibit of Orange Free State Postal Stationery - Local Printings at THE STAMP SHOW 2000. The presentation took place at the meeting of the Academie Europeene de Philatelie held in Paris.
WIPA 2000 results
German Baschwitz, Spain
Spain : Postal Stationery Printed
94 G
Ioan Catana, Romania
Romanian postal cards
78 LS
Edric C Druce, Australia
Postal Stationary of Grenada
82 V
Alan K Huggins, Great Britain
Great Britain Stamped to Order
96 LG+SP
Jan Kratky, Czech
German Baschwitz, Spain
77 S
Spas Pantchev, Bulgaria
Bulgaria: Postal Stationery
80 V
Roland Schneider, Luxembourg
Luxembourg, Etude des Cartes
78 S
Pedro Vaz Pereira, Portugal
Portual: Ceres Postal Stationery
88 V +SP
Bernd Vogel, Austria
Die Tübli-Briefe (Schweiz)
96 G +SP
Jindrich Zronek, Czech
Österreich - Ganzsachen 1867 -
86 V
España 2000 results
Timo Arvelin, Finland
Die Reklame- und Propagandagazsachenkarten inde USSR
82 V
German Baschwitz, Spain
Enteros Postales De Uso General 1873-1936
93 G+ SP
German Baschwitz, Spain
Private and administration postal stationery of Spain
95 LG+SP
Bernard Beston, Australia
British Guiana: Postal Stationery
90 G
Lewis E Bussey, United States
United States~ one cent postal car, design of 1914
74 S
Octavio Cabrera, United States
Cuba: Postal stationery from the Spanish colonial period, the American administration and the Republic from 1878 to 1910
82 V
Y W D Chen, Brazil
Brazil Postal Stationery (Empire)
70 S
Joachim Czirwitzky, Germany
Die Ganzsachen Bayerns von der 1. Ausgabe 1869-1910
81 V
Edric C Druce, Australia
Pakistan Postal Stationery 1947-1961
80 V
Arturo Ferrer, Spain
México 1890-1895
80 V
John Albert Gonzalez, Spain
Gibraltar postal stationery 1886-1912
81 V
Wilhelm Grutter, South Africa
The Postal Stationery of the Cape of Good Hope
88 LV
Erik H Hansen, Denmark
Postal Stationery of Denmark 1865-1920
90 G+SP
Lutz Hohensang, Germany
Portugal: Postal Stationery
82 V
Jacques Hontebeyrie, France
Les entiers postaux de la Principaute de Monaco
81 V
Goh Khee Huang, Singapore
Singapore Air Letters
74 S
Alan K Huggins, Great Britain
Great Britain Postal Stationery Wrappers
93 G+SP
Miodrag Josipovic, Yugoslavia
Postal Stationery of Yugoslavia 1944-1965
75 LS
Rafiq Kasbati, Pakistan
Postal Stationery of Pakistan 1947-1975
80 V
Rudolf Klaus, Luxembourg
Belgien-Ganzsachen Leopold II.
83 V
Franciscus Kurnadi, Indonesia
Netherlands Indies Postal Stationery
76 LS
Jorge Maier, Germany
Die Ganzsachen von Chile.
80 V
Juan Martínez-Herrera, Spain
Enteros postales de España oficiales siglo XX
68 SB
Juan Martínez-Herrera, Spain
Entero postales de España oficiales siglo XIX
72 S
Hernani Matos, Portugal
Portugal : Study of D. Carlos
83 V
Jurgen Meiffert, Germany
Postal Stationery of Brasil 1867 - 1948
Javier Mendez Postigo, Bolivia
La Guerra Del Chaco
87 LV
Charalamb Menelaou, Cyprus
Cyprus Postal Stationery 1880 - 1960
87 LV
Herbert H Moll, Peru
Peru: Postal Stationery
86 LV
Masaaki Oshima, Japan
Postal Cards of Japan 1873-1874
92 G
Derek Palmer, Chile
Chile: Postal Stationery
87 LV
Jose Manuel dos Santos Periera, Portugal
King Manuel II Postal Stationery
89 LV
Sigurdur Petursson, Iceland
Icelandic postal stationary 1879-1920
91 G+SP
Igor Pirc, Slovenia
Postal stationery in Slovenia. 1871-1999
84 V
Hermógen Sanz García, Spain
Enteros postales españoles de
85 LV
Stephen D Schumann, United States
New Zealand Postal Stationery,
90 G
Barry J E Scott, New Zealand
Australian Pre-Printed Envelopes
81 V
Dieter Simon, Germany
Correspondenzkarten, amtliche Postkarten un Postkartenformulare Bayerns (1870-1882)
80 V
Peter Suess, Germany
Die Ganzsachen der Die Postkarten Mexicos 1878-1890
83 V
Raymond Todd, Australia
Chile: Postal Stationery 1871 - 1910
88 LV
Hubert Tretner, Germany
Beitrage zur Geschichte der deutschen Privatbeforderungsanstalten
89 LV
Pedro Vaz Pereira, Portugal
Portual: Ceres Postal Stationery
90 G
Richard Wheatley, Great Britain
Netherlands East Indies Postcards 1874-1901
87 LV