Message from the President. (From Commission Newsletter March 2001) It seems amazing that a year has passed since the previous Newsletter but whichever school of thought you subscribe to, the 21st century has now well and truly started and I wish everyone well for 2001.
A major development for communication between the Commission and the global population of collectors has been the launch of our own web-site with the Internet address www.postal stationery.org. This has come about, following discussion at the Madrid Commission meeting, through the dedicated work put in by Ross Towle of the USA, and we all owe him a considerable debt of gratitude for creating the structure and content which is an excellent shop-window for postal stationery collecting and the activities of the Commission - see seperate note in this Newsletter.
As ever Commission activities have focused on events aimed at promoting the collecting, exhibiting and judging of postal stationery. Apart from Regional and National presentations by various members of the Commission a joint meeting with the Postal Stationery Society was held during THE STAMP SHOW 2000 on May 28 and was most successfull being attended by over 50 people. The other major gathering of the Commission during 2000 was held just before the 66th FIP Congress in Madrid on 13th October. A full account can be found elsewhere in this Newsletter but it is worth noting that membership of the Commission has now risen to 63 and I would like to extend a warm welcome to the following Federations - Emirates, Hong Kong, Latvia, Pakistan, Paraguay and Slovenia.
More recently in early February I visited Berlin to go to BEPHILA 2001, a German Regional exhibition which also celebrated the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Berliner Ganzsachen Sammler Verein which appears to be the oldest specialised philatelic society in the world - a remarkable achievement of which they can be justifiably proud. Is was a great pleasure to meet many fellow postal stationery enthusiasts at this exhibition and on behalf of the Commission Hans-Georg Meissner and I gave a presentation on "The Evolution of British Postal Stationery to 1900".
An open meeting of the Commission is being arranged by Luc van Tichelen on the 15th June during BELGICA 2001 which will feature several short displays and talks. A further meeting of the Commission will take place just before the 67th FIP Congress in Seoul - details to be announced later.
Finally I should like to warmly thank all those who have assisted with the work of the Commission and those Federations which provide resources to fund its activities. Alan Huggins Commission President February 2001-03-06
Report to Madrid FIP Congress. In my report to the 65th Congress in Milan in 1998 I indicated a progressive increase in interest in both the collecting and exhibiting of postal stationery. This trend has continued and a particular feature has been the enhanced recognition accorded by both traditional and thematic collectors, as well as postal historicans, of the significant contribution that postal stationery can make to their own areas of philately.
The activities of the Commission have focused on events designed to stimulate interest in the collecting, exhibiting and the judging of postal stationery and these have taken place at AUSTRALIA 99, PHILEXFRANCE 99 and THE STAMP SHOW 2000. In addition to these many members of the Commission have promoted postal stationery via regional, and or national presentations or through societies.
The Commission Newsletter continues to keep the 57 member Federations informed of new publications, exhibition awards etc, and I would once again like to thank Erik Hvidberg Hansen for his dedicated worh as editor.
I am also pleased to to report that the number of FIP accredited jurors and team leaders has grown while new exhibits continue to appear and others progressively improve their level of award. The literature also continues to expand and new works are reviewed and brought to the attention of members via the newsletter. The proposals made by the FIP Board for changes to the regulations for Commissions and awards have allready been circulated and will be further considered at the Commission meeting on the 13th October in Madrid.
Finally I should like to express my sincere appreciation to all those who have assisted the work of the Commission and to thank those Federations who continue to provide financial resources to fund its activities thus avoiding the need to call on central FIP sources. Alan Huggins Commission President July 2000
Message from the President. (From Commission Newsletter 2002)
First of all it is a pleasure to welcome two new members to the Commission, the Emirates Philatelic Association and the Hong Kong Philatelic Society who have nominated Khalid Ali Al-Omaira and Daniel Szeto respectively, to be their representatives. There are also changes to the representation for Brazil (Marcus Chusyd replacing E.L.dos Santos), Italy (Franco Giannini replacing Carlo Sopracordevole) and Thailand (Surajit Gongvatana replacing Ad Indhusophon).
Sadly we have to report the passing of Derek Palmer and Robert Samuel who represented Chile and New Zealand on the Commission. Both were highly regarded for their depth knowledge and exhibited their collections widely for the enjoyment and edification of other collectors.
Robert was particularly noted for his work as the author of a series of excellent catalogues on the various types of postal stationery issued in New Zealand and had just published a revised section on letter cards (see review) when he was taken ill. They will both be greatly missed by all who knew them.
In the last Newsletter we gave advance notice of the Open Meeting of the Commission to be held on 15 June during BELGICA 2001. This proved to be a successfull event attended by some twenty Commission Members and collectors and the progamme included presentations by Luc Van Tichelen on the "Change of Address" cards of Belgium and the Netherlands; Ross Towle on 'Exploring the Definition of Postal Stationery' and Alan Huggins 'An Introduction to Collecting postal stationery' designed as a mini display to promote interest in postal stationery. A lively discussion ensued with particular interest surronding the questions and issues posed by the items shown by Ross Towle.
In the competitive classes postal stationery was well represented with some fine exhibits, a number of which had not been seen before at international level (see the awards list), and postal stationery also formed an integral part of the Court of Honour display presented jointly by the British Library and members of The Royal Philatelic Society London. In addition to the Exhibition Catalogue included the summary of a contribution to the Symposium organised by I.P.H.F. entitled 'The Origins of Postal Stationery'.
In September the Schweizerischer Ganzsachen-Sammler Verein SGSSV celebrated its 75th anniversary by holding a special exhibition GABRA IV in Burgdorf. This proved to be a very enjoyable and stimulating event with Georges Schild as the prime organiser. Exhibits were invited on an international basis and most of the exhibitors were present, so it was possible to learn a lot at first hand about the wide range of material on display. All in all a splendid show deserving our warm congratulations as an example of promoting postal stationery collecting.
In October FIAF held their Congress in Buenos Aires and Cesar Jones kindly sent details of the FIAF Postal Stationery Commission meeting together with a list of awards given to the exhibitors from FIAF Member Federations, and a number of reviews of recent publications. In the latter context it has been suggested by Ray Todd that we take steps to ensure articles and other works on postal stationery are publicised and /or published as widely as possible, and I would draw the attention to a feature on 'Australia's Printed To Private Order Envelopes' in the UPSS Journal Postal Stationery May-June 2001 by Stephen Schumann and Wayne Menuz.
Moving to FIP matters there is considerable discussion taking place around the 'Nations Cup' and World Stamp Championship events and 'One Frame Exhibits', and Commission members are invited to send in any comments they may have so that these can contribute to any views that can be presented to the FIP Board. Elisio Ruben Otero has succeded Patrick Pearson as the FIP Board member responsible for liaison with the Postal Stationery Commission and he was present at the meeting held during BELGICA 2001.
Fernando Aranaz recently requested all Commissions to provide texts for an introductory leaflet similar in style to those produced for STAMP SHOW 2000, and the text submitted can be found as attachment to this Newsletter.
For the future there will be a meeting of the Commission prior to the FIP Congress in Seoul in August during PHILAKOREA. As yet detailed information on dates etc. is not available but the 9th or 10th are possible dates. If anyone has any matters they would like to raise at the meeting or ideas for presentations please let me know as soon as possible.
Finally I wish everyone a peaceful and enjoyable 2002 and look forward to seeing as many of you as possible in Korea.
Alan Huggins
Message from the Secretary.
At the Bureau meeting in Madrid in October 2000 it was decided to establish a bibliography of all litterature
Concerning Postal Stationery World-wide, and to make the bibliography public at our web-site.
Therefore every member of the Commission was asked to forward information about litterature on postal stationery issued in their homecountry (catalogues, monographs and major articles (author, year and publisher) either direct to me, or to our web-master Ross Towle.
Unfortunately, only a very few of you has reacted to this call. Part of the job being a member of the Commission is to promote the knowledge of how to collect postal stationery, and here is the knowledge of excisting litterature an essential part.
Therefore, once again, I ask you who has not yet responded to this call, to forward the information. My address is in the name and addresslist (enclosed). Our web-master Ross Towle is living at 400 Clayton Street, San Francisco CA 94117, USA. (rosstowle@postalstationery.org). Please use this address instead of the one included in the Newsletter 2002.
I still advertise for information of exhibition results from national and regional exhibitions, literature reviews, information of unusual auction results, and of course reports of national activities to promote the collection of postal stationery, to be brought in the next Newsletter.
Last year it was a great pleasure to meet so many of you at the Philanippon 2001 in Tokyo, and at Hafnia'01 in Copenhagen, - it's allways nice to meet old friends, and to make new ones.
Finally a warm greeting to all members of the Commission, especially to the new members we have got in the past year, and I am looking forward to meet a lot of you at the Amphilex 2002 exhibiton, in Amsterdam. Unfortunately am I not going to Philakorea in Seoul, as I am being 60 years and has invited my family to the Mediteranien for holydays, to celebrate my birthday.
Erik Hvidberg Hansen
Spring meeting in UPSS.
The United Postal Stationery Society, the leading postal stationery society in the USA, will be holding their Spring meeting in conjunction with the WESTPEX philatelic exhibition, which will be held in San Francisco at the Chatedral Hotel from April 26 - 28.
Both Ray Todd, Commission Vice-president, and Ross Towle, Commission web-master, will be serving on the Jury. Bureau member Steve Schumann will be giving presentations on Israel and Sarawak postal stationery. Ray Todd will also be giving a seminar on collecting, exhibiting and judging postal stationery at the International level. At the WESTPEX exhibition there will be 300 frames of competitive exhibits, of which allmost 100 will be postal stationery.
Just prioe to WESTPEX, on April 24th, Dr Rueben Ramkissoon will be giving a presentation on his FIP Gold medal exhibit of "Trinidad and Tobago Postal Stationery" at a meeting of the Collectors Club of San Francisco.
Full details on any of the above can be obtained from Stephen D Schumann, 2417 Cabrillo Drive, Hayward, CA 94545 USA. Fax: 510-732-8526. E-mail: stevesch@people.com
1 frame exhibits at FIP level.
As you all probably know, the likely advent of the One Frame Class at FIP level will be discussed at the forthcomming FIP Congress in Seoul.
It would be good if we could get our own guidelines pencilled in our minds, so that we can be quick off the mark,
I think that one of the most important things which Lumir Brendl has alluded to in Flash is that the exhibits in this class have to be able to stand by themselves and be a complete unit i.e. a cameo collection of a particular subject.
Our experience in Australia where we have a National One Frame Competition every year (entries amount to something between 25 - 50) is that we now insist that the entry be entered under one of the FIP Class headings. We found that in some cases we could not make good determination because the exhibitor took advantage of the situation and the exhibit was a blend of several classes with thematics usually involved somewhere or other.
Ray Todd.
Depending on the outcome at the FIP Congress, the Bureau will take the initiative to start the work on the guidelines as soon as possible, so that the collectors world-wide will have the same guidelines to work after in the future (See the President's message).
Message from the President 2003
Once again a year has passed and it is time for another Commission Newsletter. In 2002 the Commission met formally in Korea, on the 8th August in Seoul, and the Minutes of this meeting are included in this Newsletter. Also attached is information on the various societies which specifically cater for postal stationery collectors, the publications list of the United Postal Stationery Society and a leaflet on the Postal Stationery Society.
No additional Federations have applied for for membership of the Commission but a number of changes have taken place with regard to delegates. Firstly we have to warmly congratulate Ray Todd on his election as a FIP Vice-Presedent. His long standing contributions to the Commission will be sorely missed but he will be retaining a close link as the FIP Board member responsible for the Commission. Since the new structure of Commission Bureaux comes into being next year no action to appoint a replacement has been taken. The Australian Federation has appointed Bernie Beston so succeed Ray as their Commission delegate, and other changes are Harshad Ray, Malaysia and Branislav Kujundzoc, Yugoslavia who replace S Anthony and Dr. B Novakovic respectively.
On a sad not we have lost Richard Knight of South Africa who died recently. Richard was a very well known and distinguished member of the South African philatelic community. He made many friends internationally and was greatly liked and respected by all who were privileged to have known him.
Once again I must urge members to support the Commission Newsletter and Web site by contributing news items or short articles on matters of general interest. For example the rapidly developing interest in one-frame exhibits will open up a wide range of new exhibiting possibilities, as well as requiring a reapraisal of the excisting evaluation criteria, to assess whether or not modifications or adjustments will be necessary. Any views on this and information on current practice and experience in member federations would be very welcome.
For the future we have to consider the agenda for the Commission meeting which will take place in Singapore in 2004 and I would be interested to have proposals for discussion topics, presentations etc.
In conclusion I would like to thank the Bureau for their continiuing support and wish everyone well during 2003.
Alan Huggins
Message from the Secretary 2003.
At the Bureau meeting in Madrid in October 2000 it was decided to establish a bibliography of all litterature
concerning Postal Stationery World-wide, and to make the bibliography public at the commission web-site.
Therefore every member of the Commission was asked to forward information about litterature on postal stationery issued in their home country (catalogues, monographs and major articles, author, year and publisher) either direct to me, or to our web-master Ross Towle.
Unfortunately, only a few of you has reacted to this call. A few of you has sent in handbooks and catalogues to me, but it is not the meaning for my call, - just send a list to our web-master, or to me. The sent in publications have been donated to various philatelic libraries.
Part of the job being a member of the Commission is to promote the knowledge of how to collect postal stationery, and here is the knowledge of excisting litterature an essential part.
Therefore, once again, I ask you, who has not yet responded to this call, to forward the information. My address is in the name and addresslist.
I still advertise for information of exhibition results from national and regional exhibitions, literature reviews, information of unusual auction results, and of course reports of national activities to promote the collection of postal stationery, to be brought in the next Newsletter.
Last year it was a great pleasure to meet so many of you at the AMPHILEX 2002 in Amsterdam - it's allways pleasent to meet old friends, and to find new friends. Unfortunately was I not present in Seoul, that because of my 60 years birthday, and had invited my family to Cyprus to celebrate it, the whole family had two fine weeks. Also thank you again, for all the greetings and presents you sent to me.
In 2002 I had the pleasure of beeing appointed as chairman of the jury at the Nations Cup in Lagoa, Portugal. As you know, postal stationery is one of the optional classes in the Nations Cup, but 2 of the participating 3 countries, Portugal and Spain, both had two postal stationery exhibits shown, all four very well made up, and they all contributed wery much to their countries total results. I think there is a great future for postal stationery in the Nations Cup, and that postal stationery should be a mandatory class !.
Finally a warm greeting to all members of the Commission, especially to the new members we have got in the past year, and I am looking forward to meet a lot of you in Singapore 2004, when we have our next official meeting.
Erik Hvidberg Hansen
Message from the President 2005
It seems hard to believe that the Singapore FIP Congress is already six months in the past. This was the best attended Postal Stationery Commission meeting ever and much fruitful discussion took place.
Our hard-working Secretary Erik Hvidberg-Hansen continues to do outstanding work in the production of our Newsletter and he asks all representatives to keep him informed of National and Regional exhibitions, unusual auction results, literature reviews and other national activities.
The Postal Stationery Society in the UK has just concluded a meeting in conjunction with Stampex in London. I heard that over 100 frames of postal stationery were on display. My compliments to all those who worked so hard to make it such an outstanding success.
Ross Towle, our Webmaster, has indicated that he has room a for a number of mini-displays (16 sheets) on our website. Currently we have displays of Chile. Denmark and Australia printed to private order. Please scan your pages at 200 dpi and send them as a gif or jpeg to rosstowle@postalstationery.org or rosstowle@yahoo.com
We are currently in the formative stage of obtaining all the commission representatives e-mail addresses in the hope that an electronic bulletin for the Commission will supplement our regular Newsletter in the not too distant future. If you have not yet supplied your e-mail address to Erik (hvidberg@inet.uni2.dk) or I (sdsch@earthlink.net) please do so as soon as you are able. Our FIAF Bureau member, Enrique Bialikamien, has already obtained the e-mail address of all the FIAF
The 71ST FIP Congress will probably take place in conjunction with ESPANA 2006 in Seville next year. I hope to have a postal stationery seminar take place which would include not only exhibiting and judging but also displays of interesting areas. If you would like to participate please contact me.
As many of you are aware, Ray Todd is our liaison with the FIP Board of Directors. We are fortunate in having such a very knowledgeable postal stationery collector, exhibitor and juror "in our corner" so to speak. If you have any items that should be brought to Ray's attention, my e-mail address is above.
In closing I would be remiss in not mentioning the one person who has dome so much for so many years in the exhibiting, judging and promotion of postal stationery: our immediate Past Chairman, Dr. Alan Higgins. Alan led the commission for many years and did much to bring postal stationery to the attention of everyone in the philatelic world. Much of the appreciation today of the difficulty of acquisition of postal stationery and the importance of postal stationery to a country's postal system is due in no small part to his efforts. Thank you Alan and I hope that I can continue doing your work in the future.
Stephen D. Schumann
Commission Chairman
March 28, 2005
Message from the Secretary for 2005
I still advertise for information of exhibition results from national and regional exhibitions, literature reviews, information of unusual auction results, and of course reports of national activities to promote the collection of postal stationery, to be brought in the next Newsletter.
I also ask that you all send me your e-mail address, so that we in the future don´t have to print the newsletter on paper, and send it out by snail mail, but can be able to send it electronically to all of you. Enrique Bialikamien, our new bureau member from Costa Rica, representing FIAF, has done a great job in collecting e-mail addresses from all our Commission members in the Americas. You can se them at the enclosed revised name and addresslist.
Also a warm thank you to our honorary member, retired chairman Dr Alan Huggins for his contributions to this newsletter.
It was a pleasure to meet so many old, but also new faces during the Singapore exhibition, and I am looking forward to seeinb most of you again in Spain in 2006.
Erik Hvidberg Hansen
Message from the Chairman. 2006
Progress has been made in several areas in the past year.
There are now 15 exhibits up on the Commission web site, ranging in size from 1 – 8 frames, with a wide variety of subjects. If you would like to have your exhibit on the Commission web site send scans at 200 DPI to our webmaster Ross Towle at rosstowle@yahoo.com. Or a CD of your exhibit can be sent to Ross Towle, 400 Clayton Street, San Francisco, CA 94117 USA.
We have entered into a cooperative agreement with the exhibit website EXPONET. We have downloaded exhibits from their website and they from ours. This gives wider exposure to the stationery exhibits.
As Erik mentions in his report, we lack many e-mail addresses, which are sorely needed to make the electronic newsletter a reality. If you do not have have an e-mail address perhaps your national federation or a close friend would be willing to receive e-mails on your behalf. Please send them to us as soon as possible.
I hope to see many of you at the Commission meeting during WASHINGTON 2006 and of course there will be a Commission meeting scheduled during Espańa 2006 in Malaga.
Stephen D Schumann
Message from the Secretary. 2006
I still advertise for information of exhibition results from national, regional and continental exhibitions, literature reviews, information on unusual auction results, and of course report on national activities to promote the collection of postal stationery, to be brought in the next newsletter, or at our web-site.
Going through the exhibition results is it a great pleasure to note the very many new exhibitors in our class, and also the very fine results and standard of the exhibits, - it looks as "our" collecting area really has been able to catch a new interest among collectors all over the World.
The Bureau has several times asked you to send your e-mail address to a member of the Bureau or to our web-master, however without any great success, - please do it now, when you are reading this !!. It is our hope/intention that this newsletter will be the last one sent out as snail mail, and that we in the future can send it electronic to all delegates. Other of the FIP Commissions already does that.
A warm thank you to our honorary member, retired chairman Dr Alan K Huggins for his contributions to the newsletter.
Also a warm welcome to two new delegates to the Commission, Mr Tore Berg from Norway and to Mr Götz Schneider, Germany, representing Liechstenstein.
Unfortunately can I not be present at the commission meeting during Washington 2006, but will be present at the the Espâna 2006 in Malaga, where I hope to see at lot of you.
Erik Hvidberg Hansen
Commission for Postal Stationery Report 2006-2008
This past biannual period has been a quiet one for the FIP Commission for Postal Stationery. Our Secretary, Erik Hvidberg Hansen has undergone two surgeries and has been forced to devote his efforts to rehabilitation to regaining his health. Michael Ho, Georges Schild and Enrique Bialikamien, Bureau members, continue their efforts to obtain the email addresses of the Delegates to the Postal Stationery Commission but we are still lacking a number. A "snail mail" sending by myself yielded just a few more.
Dr. Ross Towle, our webmaster, has added more postal stationery exhibits and displays and our cooperative effort with EXPONET continues.
I have appointed Ian McMahon of Australia and Cesar Jones of Uruguay to the Bureau of the Commission and hope that they will be able to continue service after the Commission election in Bucharest in conjunction with EFIRO 2008.
On a personal note my exhibit of "New Zealand Postal Stationery 1876-1940" won the Grand Award in the open competition of Stampshow 2007, the annual convention of the American Philatelic Society, the first time anyone can remember that a postal stationery exhibit won the Grand Award at the APS convention.
In October 2007, I was President of the jury at the Costa Rica National Exhibition in San Jose and the same exhibit was judged the best in the "Master Class" which consisted of only exhibits by jury members.
Plans and Targets for the Postal Stationery Commission 2008-2010+
At present the following persons are qualified to conduct seminars on exhibiting and judging:
Mr. Stephen D. Schumann, USA
Dr. Alan Huggins, UK
Mr. Raymond Todd, Australia
Mr. Hans Meissner Gennany
Mr. Erik Hvidberg Hansen, Denmark
Persons authorized to conduct a meeting of the Commission:
Mr. Stephen D. Schumann, USA
Mr. Erik Hvidberg Hansen, Denmark
Mr. Raymond Todd, Australia
Dr. Alan Huggins, UK
Mr. Georges Schild, Switzerland
The future of the Postal Stationery Commission
In 2008 there are two outstanding apprentices in postal stationery - Dr. Ross Towle at ISRAEL 2008 and Mr. Lars Engelbrecht at EFIRO. They are both highly educated, brilliant researchers in their philatelic areas of interest and outstanding exhibitors, with LG postal stationery exhibits. Assuming they are successful in their apprenticeships, I see them as future leaders in the commission.
Future postal stationery exhibiting and judging seminars:
EFIRO- Stephen D. Schumann SESCAL/AMERICAS 08 (FIAF) -Stephen D. Schumann
CHINA 2009- Stephen D. Schumann
INDIA 2010- to be decided
LONDON 2010- Stephen D. Schumann (I hope to be assisted by the two 'apprentices' above)
PORTUGAL 2010- Stephen D. Schumann (if needed after London)
South Africa 2010- to be decided
Philanippon 2011- to be decided
Non performing delegates to the postal stationery commission - a delicate situation. Many of these are from smaller countries which have a very small body of serious collectors and it would be difficult to find a replacement. The commission can continue to function with 6-10 active members with the workload being somewhat heavier regarding information submission and other duties. It must also be recognized that many of the delegates have heavy responsibilities in their own national federations and cannot be as active as they could be at the Commission/FIP level.
Even including the previous paragraph, the future looks much brighter than just two years ago and I look forward to being of service to the postal stationery commission during my second term of office.
Respectfully Submitted,
Stephen D. Schumann
Chairman, FIP Commission for Postal Stationery